Friday, October 28, 2016

Long Time No Talk

Hello everyone!

A lot has changed for me since I started this blog and I'm happy to say I will be making a few changes to the content of this blog.

My most recent Farmers Market haul. Only $15.
First thing: I'm planning on doing regular blog posts. This isn’t a content change but there will now be more content. I’ve stocked up on posts and am in the final stages before posting them for you. So expect a post every other week.

Second: You may have noticed but I have a collaborator working with me to keep the content coming for you. She provided the ALT sandwich recipe earlier this year. I’ve known her for years am I trust them to provide delicious recipes for all of you.

Third: this will now be a vegan food blog. I recently decided to change my lifestyle and want to be able to share delicious meals. Some will be familiar favorites and others new additions.

Enjoy the new Decorative Delights.


P.S. All of my old recipes will remain on the blog. I still want them to be accessible if anyone wants to reference them or alter them.